Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't take a picture, it'll last longer...

There's an interesting article in the New York Times today about how viewing art has become a "lost art" in today's instant gratification society. People take the time to go to the museum, but then they breeze through so fast snapping photos as they go. Somehow, taking a picture of the artwork means you never have to go back and see it again.

I'm just as guilty of this as the next person. Take our honeymoon to Rome for example. Heather can testify that we've got 300 pictures of art, architecture, society etc... and a total of 3 pictures of her and I "in Rome". If you're not careful, you can spend so much time capturing a moment that you forget to live it to begin with. I think next time we take Braeden to the park, I'm going to leave the camera behind.

Rob -

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