Monday, August 24, 2009

Sad Sad Shape...

Our local Wal-Mart had a little action today. Apparently a man entered the store and became upset when they wouldn't cash his check. So he left, then called the store and threatened to start shooting people. Local law enforcement acted admirably and the Wal-Mart employees apparently even gave shoppers who were stuck in the store chips, drinks and chairs. Everyone remained calm until the situation was eventually resolved. It turns out the man was calling from his home, not from the parking lot. Read about it here.

I think the most shocking part of this story for me, is that there is someone out there who is in such bad shape that Wal-Mart won't cash his checks. Wal-Mart has an open policy to take back products purchased at another store. I can buy Target brand bread, and take it back to Wal-Mart and they will give me store credit for it. They don't plan on re-selling it but since Wal-Mart has more money than God and China put together, they can afford to take a hit on bread to keep me happy and mindlessly purchasing things from their aisles.

The only answer I can fathom is, maybe he was trying to cash one of those promotional car dealership checks. "Bring this in for $5,000 off of your purchase".

Rob -

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