Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Any lingering doubt that Heather and I had of Braeden being switched at birth was eliminated this morning when he got his head stuck under the couch. He's definitely my son...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funny Daddy...

I laugh in uncomfortable situations. I can't help it, it's just what I do. It really pisses Heather off but I can't help it. Just the same way you can't help crying at sad movies, or pulling your hand off of a hot stove, I start giggling when something bad happens. Let me make it clear that I don't enjoy bad things happening to people, it's just a physical response to the emotional discomfort created by tense situations.

Let me give you an example. A few years ago, Heather told me that her dad had been attacked by a Pit Bull and I started laughing (sorry Biff). I don't think it's funny at all and I'm very glad he's ok but I started laughing none-the-less. So imagine my dismay when I discovered that out of all the things I want to pass on to Braeden, this is what he got.

We discovered it a while back and at first, I thought nothing of it. Braeden was playing with the buttons on the DVR and I said "NO, - Braeden, NO". He stopped, turned his head... and laughed. Then he went right back to pushing buttons. Since then it's evolved to him laughing at me in a variety of situations. Here's a list of what's been hilarious over the last week.

1. Don't touch the buttons on the DVR
2. Don't stick that in the outlet
3. Don't put that in your hair
4. Don't put that in your mouth
5. I said don't put that in your mouth
6. Get away from the stairs

I think the thing that scares me most is that he'll laugh when I get attacked by a dog... By the way, it's exhausting laughing at everything.

Rob Heather and Braeden Carlton -