So I've taken a good chunk of the last year off from posting anything but it's time to start up again. For those of you who don't know, Heather is pregnant with baby number two. We're very excited and for any of you with the inkling to ask "Was it planned?" please allow me to offer the following advice. Don't.
"Was it planned?" is something you ask the guy who takes that last shot in a basketball game. You don't ask an adult married couple with a child that question. It implies that you feel like I don't understand the basic principles of human reproduction. "Oh man, is that how that happens? Now it's all making sense."
Here are a few questions that I'm happy to answer though. Yes, we're excited. Yes we will be finding out if she's a girl or a girl. And, for those of you still wondering, yes it was planned.
Rob, Team-Heather and Braeden
Useless Buzzwords
13 years ago
1 comment:
So, when is she due? We might have a similar due date with our little one. Who, yes, was also planned...
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