Sunday, May 17, 2009

Defeated by a Toddler...

I never realized the effort it takes to keep a 1 year old from throwing a dinner roll off of the table. I understand why parents always look so somber and defeated when they are out in public now.

On a side note, we went out to eat on Saturday night and there was a couple sitting next to us that looked like they were in the beginning stages of dating (perhaps 3rd or 4th date). Braeden started hooting at everything like he was starving and I eventually had to take him outside. As we were sitting in front of the resturaunt the couple came out and I caught the tale end of the conversation with the guy saying "And that's why I don't want kids..."

If there is any justice in the world, his 80's style pop-collar and greasy hair will guarantee that he doesn't even get the chance for quite a while.

Rob, Heather and Braeden Carlton -


Robert said...

A direct quote from Rob Carlton age 16 or 17. "I'm never gonna have kids. I'm gonna live in Seattle and have dogs." Funny how one little person can change life's asperations and how one perceives the world around them.

Rob said...

Yeah, from the first time he peed on me, I didn't stand a chance.