Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thanks Mitch!

Senator Mitch McConnell thinks that Americans have become desensitized to how much money 1 trillion dollars really is.

I can't speak for everyone else, but as an "Average American" I know exactly how much money 1 trillion dollars is. I don't need loosely veiled comparisons to spending habits in the time of Jesus Christ or the visual of 1 trillion dollar bills stacked halfway to the moon. I know that those sums of money don't actually exist as anything more than concepts. If you can't comprehend it, try and type a 1 with 12 zeros behind it into your desktop calculator. You'll most likely run out of space at 10 million, which puts you at 1/100,000th of the amount you're looking to understand.

So Senator, thanks but I understand the concept of 1 trillion dollars. Free up a few hours in your schedule and I'll be happy to come to Washington with 100,000 desktop calculators and explain it to you. It's becoming increasingly obvious that you and all your congressional buddies have no idea.


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