Monday, November 10, 2008

Some "Ups" are better than others...

So, The Dink as we so affectionately refer to Braeden around the house has learned a few tricks in his 5.5 short months of life. I like to call them his "Ups". Braeden has been standing "up" since he was about 3 months old. We will hold his arms and he'll stand "up" and then he'll actually take steps forward with a little help. He doesn't have the whole "Balance" thing down but how many of us honestly can say we've mastered balance? So we'll call "up" number 1 standing. It's pretty awe inspiring to see such a little man accomplishing such a monumental task.

So what cold be harder than standing "up" you might ask? Well surprisingly to me, sitting "up" is much harder. It requires muscles beyond just the legs, it requires balance, and it requires a thorough understanding of your center of balance, which is hard to find when your head makes up 40% of your total body weight. But The Dink has it down now. He can sit "up" on his own! So I now submit for you, the steps in mastering sitting. I can honestly say I've never been so proud of anything in my life! (By the way, if you're still wondering who he looks like, check out the 5th picture down. Very obviously Heather...)


Anonymous said...

Yep...definitely Heather! LOL!
Now the little guy can sit in a cart...oh how much easier that is than carrying that stupid car seat all over!!! YEAH BRAEDEN!!!

Love you All!

KC Outlaws said...

Love the Drool/food Pics!