Monday, January 14, 2008

That Guy...

I have one goal for my "stint" as a father. I have to keep my son from becoming "That Guy". You all know who I'm talking about. You've probably come across him in the last week. "That Guy" is the one on the bus that doesn't give his seat to an old lady. He's the guy who doesn't know when to stop ordering drinks at the ball game. He is that man standing on the median selling candy bars last weekend when it was 25 degrees outside... (wearing shorts). "That Guy" is the person that makes you look around at other people and think "did anyone else see that?" "Did anyone else hear that guy??"

My job is to keep Braeden from drawing those astonished looks from people. It is, however, much more of a delicate balancing act than it appears to be at first glance. How do I explain to him the intricacies of relationships that makes it ok for me to laugh hysterically at my friend Mike when he falls through a manhole cover at a park, but unthinkable to giggle if it happens to an old lady on main street? For that matter, how do I even know the difference for myself? How do I teach him to appreciate Don Henley and fear Elton John? How do I help him choose dogs over cats? Waffles over pancakes, Mac's over PC's, Good over evil... I guess I already said Dogs over Cats. And finally, it's ok to laugh at his own gas but never never at his mothers... I've already learned that one for him.

On another note, I've defeated the digital camera and here are a couple of belly the pics you've all been waiting for! Blue shirt is 12 weeks (November 9th) and red shirt is 16 weeks (December 7th). More pictures to follow...

- Rob, Heather and Braeden Carlton


Chelsey Meek said...

#1: cute haircut Heath!
#2: Are you sure there's a baby in there? I think my picture would look like that from the profile. :)

Jenny Cook said...

I am still waiting to see the baby bump! :)