It's interesting the opportunities that a person will seize when they are presented to them. Take Larry Levine for example.
Larry was sentenced to federal prison for narcotics trafficking, securities fraud, racketeering, obstruction of justice, and machine guns. But Now Larry has paid his debt to society and is out making a living. Is he bagging groceries? Is he pumping gas or digging ditches? Nope, Larry is a consultant. He lets White Collar Criminals know what to expect when they loose their court cases and head off to jail. Important things like, "on your first day, pick someone really big and beat him senseless or you'll end up as someone's girlfriend." But guess who Larry Levine is disgusted with; Bernard Madoff. The exact quote is:
"Now, I had Madoff’s reps get a hold of me before he went into custody and I turned them down. I wouldn’t help the guy out because I view him as an economic terrorist. If you rip off a bank and insurance company, an institution, that’s an acceptable crime. Bernie hurt people. He hurt people individually and I refuse to help people like that. Let him rot in hell."
I like Larry Levine.
- Rob Carlton
Useless Buzzwords
13 years ago